
Members of the NAF Committee are involved with rules on a personal basis from this point, though were not formally involved in the box or DZ1.

There was discussion that the NAF want to ensure that the existing membership is catered for and sure on the rules of the game, yet to accommodate, as much as possible, the likely expansion of the player-base with the re-released game.

It was noted that, with the exception of the 3 BBRC-agreed teams, the NAF has always used the Official Rules as published by GW. For the first time there will inevitably be a split if we rule that the remaining 47 star players and wizards are allowed or special play cards are not mandatory. As we believe that the community wish to use the remaining star players (as well as Slann) and have discretion on cards, there will be a split from the Official Rules.

We do have some responsibility for Leagues because various leagues will follow what the NAF does.

The Tournament Director Gaixo will be publishing some guidelines that the Tournament Subcommittee has been working on providing more complete guidance for Tournament Organisers.

The NAF will publish a document in the next couple of weeks that explains what rules sanctioned NAF tournaments should follow from the 1st February 2017. The 3 month period previously mentioned was a maximum timescale.

These will be as follows:
– Box Set, Death Zone 1, Errata, FAQ, Teams of Legend, with the following changes:
o Slann should be used.
o Piling On should be in the rules pack and does not require a reroll.
o CRP Wizards may be used at TO discretion (as previously).
o All CRP Stars and those released by GW at the Bugman’s Tournament should be allowed (at their corrected costs).
o Cards do not have to be used. TO discretion regarding using the old ones, new ones, or neither. If the new ones are used there is the option of pricing the weaker deck at 50k and the stronger at 200k.

NB this means that 60k Human Catchers, Arguing the Call and Timberrrr should be used.

The Committee will reconvene to consider future rules changes.